Sunday, March 7, 2010

To Blog or not to blog...

Ok, so I think this blog thing might have some appeal to it. I have lots of friends who use blogs for their businesses, their hobbies and special interests, to keep their out of town relatives updated on what little Johnny, or sweet Suzie has accomplished (rolling over, gurgling, first words, what mushed veggies they had for lunch today), etc. Quite frankly, I don't think anyone will read my blogs, but I think it might actually serve a purpose for me. A way to organize my thoughts, document my life and the 'goings on' of my kids and family, a sort of virtual time line of the Greb's and the daily grind of the way life is (whether it be fun, challenging, annoying, or just plain boring). Maybe this will be just a way for me to vent or possibly even celebrate and rejoice in whatever it is that needs venting or rejoicing. Who knows, maybe I'll find out something new about myself. Maybe I'm just wasting my time, when I should be studying for... oh, let's say, ... a muscle practical exam that is tomorrow at noon?? Hmmm... Me? Procrastinating? Impossible...

Anyhow, there's my first blog entry!!! Hoorah! Maybe there'll be more. But then again, maybe not. Now, a study I must do ...

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